My flight date is only a day away! My experience of applying to study abroad, getting accepted, applying for scholarships, and even packing has been surreal. I've tried to spend time with as many different friends as I can, but I feel as if it's never enough.
The one thing I'm most worried about when living in China is how my relationship with God will be shaped. With a different culture, different laws, and lack of spiritual community upon my arrival, how can I strengthen my relationship with him? I suppose the answer would be that he's been preparing me through my experiences to get to this point.
I'm excited to see what God has in store for me. It will be an interesting year, but one that would be difficult to forget. Packing in preparation for this year has been pretty straightforward. Clothes for all seasons, first aid, contacts, contact solution, clothes, and other necessities are all packed up and ready to go! I have the feeling of as if I'm forgetting something.... but as my Chinese tutor said, 'Beijing is a huge city, they have just about everything!'
A flurry of emotions of happiness, nervousness, excitedness, and adventurousness all flood me. More posts to come as my adventure is beginning to unfold
Go girl! :)